Pigeons are pest birds that can roost and congregate in numbers from dozens to hundreds. They screech, make nests, reproduce, and leave droppings all over the area. It’s not great for your home or business.

This article will go over ways to stop a pigeon infestation and take back your property from these pest birds!

If you have a pigeon infestation, they are typically there for two reasons: food sources and nesting grounds. If you can remove pigeon food sources and nesting grounds, they will be much more likely to vacate the area, and you can get your property back. We recommend this method over just installing pigeon deterrence devices like bird spikes. Removing food sources and nesting grounds will eliminate the pigeon problem in the long run.

Replace open trash containers with closed ones and pick up litter. If you have an outdoor trash compactor, lock it when done using it and pick up stray garbage off the ground. Don’t give the pigeons any possible food sources. Also, remind people not to feed the birds themselves.

If you live in a more rural area, familiar pigeon food sources are fruits, nuts, and seeds. Pigeons can eat from bird feeders or gardens. Remove bird feeders if pigeons are getting into them, and cover up garden plants with bird netting to stop pigeons from getting into these food sources. Pigeons in these areas can also eat from the trash, so be sure to cover trash cans if you have them around.

The next step in controlling a pigeon infestation is to block off bird nesting grounds. Birds like to nest in covered, closed areas that protect them from the elements and predators. This includes areas under rooftop structures like HVAC units, in the rafters of warehouses and pavilions, underneath solar panels, in chimney tops, and on ledges of buildings.

If pigeons nest in a structure that can be blocked off, bird netting is often the best way to prevent pigeons from nesting there. Bird netting is applied over the areas and crevices where birds can enter. Examples include the rafters of buildings or awnings and the gap between solar panels and the ground. Bird netting is often the best solution to your pigeon nesting problem. If installed properly, it will last 20+ years, endure all weather conditions, and exclude birds with 100% effectiveness.

If pigeons nest on ledges such as the concrete edges of parking garages, a great solution is a ledge modification device like AviAngle. AviAngle converts a horizontal surface like a ledge into a diagonal surface. If birds try to land on this slanted surface, they slip off, and the ledge birds used to have to nest on is blocked off completely.

It is not recommended to handle a live pigeon nest yourself. The birds will likely become territorial, and they could be host to disease. If you misidentify the species and attempt to move another species’ nest, you could also be breaking the law. If pigeons are already nesting, consider hiring a bird control company to address the problem. They can solve your pigeon problem safely and within the confines of the law.

The main focus should be solving the bird infestation problem from its roots. Removing bird food sources and blocking bird nesting grounds will solve most of your bird problems. If you still have remaining birds flying around, you can do a couple more things.

Bird spikes are short, blunt spikes that stick out and are installed on a ledge or other surface on which birds perch. These stop birds from being able to land on the surface. Bird spikes are commonly available for purchase at bird control retailers online.

Bird wire is a second option. Bird wire is a bouncy wire strung across a surface. If birds try to land on the wire, it bounces, and the bird flies off because it cannot get a stable grip. Bird wire is similar to bird spikes but has lower visibility, so some people prefer it aesthetically.

Electric shock tracks are a third option for stopping perching birds. Electric shock tracks are installed on a surface and give off a small electric jolt if birds try to land. This does not harm the bird, but it does make them uncomfortable enough to fly away and find somewhere else to land.

Summary: First, remove their food sources and block off their nesting grounds to get rid of pigeons. Cover trash cans, remove stray trash, don’t feed the birds, and remove bird feeders. Then block off their nesting grounds using bird netting or other bird exclusion methods. If pigeons are already nesting, it’s a good idea to call a bird control company for further help.

Once you’ve removed bird food sources and nesting grounds, you’ll have solved most of the bird infestation problem. You can install bird deterrence methods like bird spikes, bird wire, or electric shock tracks to prevent the remaining few birds from perching on your property.

If you’ve been having a bird problem of a more significant magnitude or for longer than six months, consider hiring a bird control company like AviAway. AviAways offers free consultations for bird control problems. Visit www.AviAway.com or call 844-247-3373 to set up a free consultation and get advice on how to get rid of pigeons.

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