When was the last time you visited an eye care doctor? Many people know that they should visit an eye clinic often. However, one does not see the need until they notice a change in the vision.

 It is advisable to visit austin eye clinic at least once every year to help keep your sight in check. In the meantime, let’s learn the five top signs to make you book an appointment.

1. Foreign objects

Flush your eyes with plenty of clean, cool, and clear water to remove loose debris. However, if chemical splashes on your eyes, see an eye doctor after the water first aid. If the debris is not removed with water, do not attempt removing it with an object. It would help to call your doctor and book an immediate clinic to have your eyes checked.

2. Eye pain

Have you had chronic eye pain? Do you experience intense pain, and itchiness in one or both eyes? Pain in the eyes indicates infection, inflammation, or the onset of a severe health problem.

3. Eye fatigue

Most people spend too much time on the screen. When you work on the laptop for long hours without taking a break, you may experience eye fatigue. Flu, occasional allergies and infections can cause eye fatigue. Call your eye doctor, if taking a break from the screen or taking a nap does not cure eye fatigue.

4. Eye infection

Swollen, red, itchy eyelids Infection on the eyes may precede eye infection. Visit an eye clinic if the whites of the eyes appear pink, or feel bloated. Infected eyes can have discharge or not. Visiting a doctor soon you notice a change is critical because it prevents further inflammation that may spread to the other eye.

5. Blurry vision

Sudden blurry vision is an indication of a severe health problem. Book an immediate eye clinic with your doctor if you realize your vision is blurred. If you have a challenge focusing, book an eye examination clinic so the doctor can assess your vision capabilities.

On the other hand, if you notice progressive blurry vision, you needn’t panic. You may be experiencing progressive eye changes because of age or an underlying health condition. You may also need a change of prescription for any medicine you’re using.

6. Light sensitivity

Sensitivity to light may be an indication of eye disorders and other infections. Book an emergency eye clinic if you notice a difference in your ability to tolerate light. You may need glasses and other interventions to help correct the disorder.

7. Dry eyes

Prolonged glare at screens can cause dry, itchy eyes. However, dry eye conditions can be managed by a variety of non-invasive treatments. While seasonal dry eye may be seasonal, you should visit the doctor if the problem does not go away with home treatment and intervention.

8. Flashes and spots

Floaters, flashes and spots are protein-based tissues embedded in the gel-like substance which fills the inside of the eyes. The gel-like substance becomes more fluid as a person age. The increase makes the protein and other tissues more visible.

If you notice floaters with flashes of light, you need to book an emergency eye clinic, it indicates a detached retina. Whereas a few protein floaters may not be a cause for alarm, cloud eyesight, or a curtain over part of the eyes may signal a severe condition.

9. Double vision

A person can experience double vision in one or both eyes. It’s called monocular when it affects one eye and diplopia when on both. Monocular double vision may be caused by dry eye condition or astigmatism.

Double vision may also be caused by abnormalities in the retina, lens, brain, nerves, or the cornea. It is critical to book an immediate clinic to have the problem checked.

10. Trouble seeing in the dark

Your eyes should adapt to inadequately lit conditions allowing you to see. However, when light is limited, you may struggle to see. On the other hand, the ability to adapt to night blindness diminishes with age. Nighttime vision problems may indicate cataracts, and you should see an eye doctor when you notice any change.

Most eye problems can be treated when detected early. Therefore, schedule an eye clinic every year. And if you notice anything strange, call your eye doctor today and book an appointment if you notice a change in your eyes or visual quality.

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