Social workers play an important role in their communities. They are trained to help people from all types of backgrounds meet the challenges they face in the world today. When there are problems within families, they can help facilitate understanding and act as a guide for them to find solutions to conflicts.

The role of a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) is vitally important. But what is an LCSW? An LCSW is tasked with providing a variety of mental health services, counseling, and psychotherapeutic services to their clients. To become an LCSW, it is necessary to obtain a master’s degree. Cleveland State University offers a Master’s of Social Work Online degree program with a concentration in clinical social work. The online nature of this course means that students can complete classes online while working and managing their personal lives. Field placement hours must be completed in person at the end of the degree program and are required for graduation. Placement services are included so students can complete their degree without the stress of finding a placement.

LCSWs must obtain a license to practice clinical social work. This is different from a regular social work license or certification. Some LCSWs decide to continue their education and earn a doctorate as well.

LCSWs are required to renew their license periodically and must complete continuing education credits in order to do so. An LCSW can practice privately, or they may work at a variety of institutions and medical facilities, including government organizations, non-profit groups, schools and universities, correctional facilities, substance abuse treatment centers, and more. An LCSW often works with and refers clients to other mental health experts, such as psychiatrists, who can offer medical treatment for mental illness if it seems beneficial to the individual or family.

How an LCSW helps clients

Helping people means taking things one step at a time so the LCSW and their patients have a chance to become comfortable with each other and develop trust. The first meeting helps the LCSW assess the problem and situation so a plan can be formed for how to proceed in future sessions.

LCSWs offer therapy and counseling to individuals and families but also help people access services and resources they are eligible for. For example, LCSWs can help older people with disabilities find resources to help them have their homes retrofitted. This can allow them to live independently for a longer period than they would otherwise be capable of.

The assessment

Any social work case must start with an initial assessment. This can take some time to complete, and it is very important that the right questions are asked, and time is taken to ensure that the information is correct. During the assessment process, a social worker may ask a lot of questions about a client’s personal and family life.

In some cases, there may be reluctance to answer. This is often largely based on fear of judgment. In cases of domestic violence and abuse, getting the whole picture may be impossible during an initial assessment because victims are often afraid of retaliation from their abuser, even if confidentiality is assured. Shame and embarrassment can also prevent people from opening up.

During the assessment, a social worker may find out information that leads them to make immediate suggestions or take specific actions. This may be the case where there are children involved or if there is an indication that someone may be in danger.


Some theories and approaches can help LCSWs approach problems in a logical, compassionate, and understanding manner. These theories and skills are important to establish trust and gather all the information that is necessary to help people improve their lives and resolve conflicts healthily. One example of an important approach that LCSWs use is the family systems theory.

The family systems theory approaches human behavior by studying how individuals function within a family unit. The theory relies on the belief that an individual’s thoughts and actions are largely influenced by the family unit they are a part of. If the family unit is broken, as in the case of a divorce, for example, then the impact of that is going to resonate with each member of the family. Depending on the quality of the relationships and the type of treatment each person receives from different family members, emotions may vary considerably.

The family systems theory acknowledges that all families have different dynamics and sets of challenges. From a psychological perspective, it is always important to understand what type of home life someone has if an LCSW is going to help them overcome challenges by creating realistic solutions and milestones.

It can take significant time to understand a family and discover the dynamics at play. Some LCSWs will see families as a group, while others will undertake therapy sessions on an individual basis. Some families will decide to do a combination of family and individual therapy to work through issues. Getting some family members to open up and be comfortable expressing themselves is perhaps one of the greater challenges when starting any therapy.

Conflict resolution

Resolving conflicts is a handy skill in every aspect of life, from work to family affairs. Developing conflict-resolution skills can prevent situations from escalating and leading to serious consequences. Recommended conflict resolution strategies include but are not limited to the following:

Having a good understanding of the situation

Social workers need to go the extra mile to know as much about a situation as possible if they will be successful at resolving any conflict. This means knowing the exact nature of the conflict and any background info. This may take some time to gather.

Multiple assessments with the parties involved may be necessary to make sure that both sides of a conflict have the opportunity to offer any relevant information and context. Thorough assessments will make it easier to create a strategy that resolves the issues as effectively as possible or at least offers solutions that make the current circumstances easier to deal with on a daily basis.

Maintain a non-judgmental stance

If social workers want people to open up to them and trust them, then they need to approach them in as non-judgmental a manner as possible. This means listening to everything a person has to say and approaching situations with empathy. By maintaining a non-judgmental stance, it is far more likely that a social worker gets the information they need to find the right solutions to the issues the person and their families are experiencing. LCSWs should try to put aside any bias they may have and look at things from different perspectives so they can offer the best advice for each person’s unique situation.

Use summaries and choose questions carefully

Using open-ended questions that encourage people to elaborate more is a good strategy when communicating anything to an individual or family. Summarizing what they are told so that the party they are talking to knows they have been paying good attention is a smart approach. This also gives clients the opportunity to add anything they may have forgotten to tell the LCSW about their situation. Another bonus is that it allows for corrections in case anything was taken out of context or misunderstood.

People do not always articulate their thoughts and feelings well when they are dealing with challenges, so giving them the courtesy of having several chances to make sure they are understood as well as possible will help clients connect with their LCSW and trust them in the future.

Identify potential triggers

There are some things that can get a person into an emotional state quickly. By knowing the background of a situation, LCSWs can avoid using triggering language or touching on topics that are not helpful to the current conversation. While some upsetting topics are likely unavoidable, using good phrasing and word choice can make it easier to discuss difficult topics calmly and effectively.

LCSWs also need to be aware of their own opinions and triggers so that they can avoid reacting in an overly judgmental way. All social workers have their own thoughts, opinions, and experiences that they can draw on to help others. This is normal, but it is important that social workers do not allow any biases based on personal experience to interfere with their objective and balanced approach.

De-escalation techniques

It is important to de-escalate situations before trying to solve problems. This gives everyone the space to take a deep breath and ground themselves so they can take a more rational approach instead of making irrational decisions that they are likely to regret later. In some cases, where there is substance abuse or violence involved, it may take significant skill to calm the situation down. Social workers need to have a good understanding of when a situation is serious enough that other help is needed. This could include law enforcement or medical assistance in cases where drugs or violence are involved.

De-escalation is important to ensure that family members have the space and frame of mind to make good and rational decisions. In order for conflicts to be effectively resolved, it is important that all members of a family have the ability to act rationally. This is why children are sometimes taken into custody temporarily while parents get a better handle on the situation at home.

Healthy lifestyles

The modern lifestyle can be very unhealthy. Encouraging healthy lifestyles is one of the many tasks of clinical social workers. Finding solutions that lead to healthy diets and exercise is important for everyone. If someone is experiencing food insecurity, then a social worker can help them apply for and get assistance with food. SNAP, WIC, or non-profit groups may all be utilized. Likewise, physical fitness may be difficult to achieve for those with sedentary jobs or physical disabilities. Social workers may help a person find an exercise class online or in person that can help them reach fitness goals.

Helping families find ways to spend meaningful time together and bond should be a goal.  Possible solutions could be having at least one meal per day as a family, limiting screen time, and going on a weekly outing to do something fun, such as a picnic in the park or a family hike. Any healthy hobby or activity that encourages interaction and bonding with limited digital distractions is an option.

If clients are experiencing the effects of a family member’s substance abuse, it is important to help them find solutions that allow them to help their family member without exhausting themselves emotionally. It can be easy for people to dedicate themselves so much to others that they do not take good care of themselves. When this level of self-neglect happens, it has a detrimental effect on the entire family unit.

Positive relationships

It is important that people surround themselves with positive people. These are people who are friends or family who are a positive influence and encourage healthy habits. Developing positive relationships is a strategy that can really help those who are struggling with substance abuse or other negative behaviors. Putting distance between someone suffering from addiction and people who encourage or enable destructive behavior dramatically increases their chances of successfully overcoming their addiction and staying clean for life.

Follow-up work and therapy

LCSWs typically offer help to families and individuals for a short to moderate period of time. After this period, they may refer their clients to a mental health counselor or other professional therapists who can offer long-term help.

The length of time an LCSW works with any patient or client will vary a lot depending on the situation and the agency they are working for. If an LCSW is working for a private practice, the length of treatment may be entirely up to the discretion of the social worker and client. LCSWs may reach out to other agencies and groups to facilitate help for their patients and clients. This type of outreach can help individuals and families access the support and resources they need to overcome their problems.

Demand for LCSWs

Social work is a profession that is experiencing a major shortage of workers. Over the next decade, there is a major need for more qualified social workers. The reasons for this are many but include a large population of aging adults in need of help, increasingly diverse communities, and, unfortunately, rising rates of addiction and substance abuse. There are many benefits to working as an LCSW, however, which are discussed below. Raising awareness of these benefits is important in fighting the current staff shortage.

High salaries and abundant job opportunities

There are many places LCSWs can apply to work. Specializing in clinical social work does not mean LCSWs always have to practice in clinical settings. The clinical social worker designation just means that a person is qualified to provide mental health services and counseling that goes beyond what the average social worker offers to clients.

The average salary for an LCSW is $79,000, but there is plenty of room for advancement and additional compensation. Salary can vary a lot depending on where an LCSW works and any additional certifications they have. Experience counts, so LCSWs can expect to make more for every year of experience they gain. Social work is a very rewarding career that allows people to end each day knowing that they have helped others improve their quality of life and make lasting positive changes.

Variety of working locations

For those looking to relocate, the number of opportunities available across the US allows LCSWs to find secure jobs wherever they choose to work. In fact, the willingness to relocate can allow LCSWs to reach out and help specific segments of the population should they wish to do so. Some social workers even make a point to travel and work internationally for at least part of their careers.

Opportunity to connect with others

The best social workers are those who enjoy and excel at forming connections with people from many different backgrounds. The LCSW role is ideal for those who thrive when connecting and helping others. Appreciating the diversity of their community and taking the time to be very culturally aware is extremely helpful and will take LCSWs far in the world of social work.


Social workers play a valuable role in helping the people who need it most. In today’s modern world, there is a major need for highly skilled, well-trained social workers. Becoming a licensed clinical social worker through an accredited institution will give practitioners the skills and knowledge needed to offer specialized counseling and mental health services to families, ensuring that family dynamics are prioritized and treated effectively.

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